Best food item of the day:
Potato garlic onion curry. Eric + Katy and James came over and we diced 5 POUNDS of potatoes. I love leftovers. We also diced... way too many onions. Anyhow. We boiled the potatoes and prepared half of them in a skillet. One head of garlic and three onions later, we added in my curry powder and a can of coconut milk. Yes, I'm proud that I own curry powder. I see it as a sign of my kitchen prowess.
:) I've never purchased coconut milk, and James purchased an imported brand. He mixed it with the curry powder, and we had a thick, intensely currific sauce to pour onto the goodness. Marke would be proud. Because James purchased an extra can, and I'm going to do something with it.
The onion experiment: I ended up with 5 quarts raw chopped onions after our preparation. My friend Laura Love always tells me how amazingly nutritive and healing onions are. And now I will eat them with a vengeance.
Dinner tonight: Leftover Mexican from yesterday with loads of onions and extra garlic, and a wee chunk of ginger.
Off Diet - One bite of James' concoction - exactly what I ate, but with chicken and ginger. YUM.