
February 1, 2011

The Vegan Diet: Day 6

Pain level:
Consistently very high, and equal to when I began the diet.  I suppose five days isn't enough to make a big difference.
For about a month I have had difficulty sleeping because my knees and foot joints hurt so bad.  A new Nova gel memory foam mattress substantially alleviated my pain, and I am about 80% asleep at night now.  Last week I began weekly
Best food item of the day:
Definitely a sandwich.  Great Harvest Honey Wheat bread, loads of crunchy peanut butter, loads of clover honey, and a big splash of cinnamon.
Off Diet - It's 3am and I just finished work.  I'm too tired to remember anything.  But I really did want a fudgesicle.
Finally doing my research.

Reading a page on Rheumatoid Arthritis, which should reasonably address all inflammatory issues -
Says to avoid dairy, refind sugars, chemical sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine, and table salt.  It says to reduce or avoid red meat and processed foods.  This looks similar to my current diet.

Just like one of you told me, it cautions against night shade vegetables.  They include egg plant, potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers (except black pepper).  Sigh.  I have about 2 pounds of cooked diced potatoes in my fridge.  I need to decide if I will eat them anyhow.

It's helpful to know that I have been eating inflammatory vegetables - of course this isn't helping!

My notes thus far:
I had no idea how many types of cooking oils there are, nor how important it is to cook with the correct one.  Saturated fats = cooking, polyunsaturated = eating raw.  For cooking:  Butter, ghee, and organic coconut, palm or macadamia nut oil.  Olive oil is safe for just a quick, light sautéing.  Buy safflower oil.  Raw:  Pumpkin, hemp, sesame, and flax (which I am intolerant.)
Oil has a critical point of stability affected by heat.  High quality raw oils should be sold in the refrigerated section in a dark bottle.
I just looked at the ingredients in my "vegetable oil" - It's actually soybean oil!  I didn't even know that this product existed.
Try rutabagas or turnips in place of potatoes.  I don't even know what a rutabaga looks like.
Crystal salt in stead of sea salt or table salt.  It's mined and has substantially less chemicals.
Soy:  Modern, processed soy is inflammatory.  Traditional, fermented soy is healthy.  (I never knew there were two types.)


  1. One fermented soy product is called tempeh. I really like it (especially grilled or pan-fried)! Another fermented soy product is soy sauce, wherein you might consider higher quality products like tamari (wheat-free) or nama shoyu (which is not pasteurized).

    I also really like quinoa!

  2. oooo Thanks, Marke!
    I forgot about tempeh. I've been reading about soy. What do I look for on the tofu package to indicate that it's traditional/fermented?

    Do you know positives and takeaways for tamari or nama shoyu? Do they generally taste like soy sauce?

    I have quinoa and some other product in bulk bags in my kitchen. I forgot which is which, and therefore am not sure how to prepare them... One is a grain, the other is a pasta. (sigh.)
